Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Here I am...

Ok boys and girls and friends of all ages...  Here goes nothing...  My mind beside itself is going to see its first post...

I have been inspired by someone very near and dear to my heart to give this a shot and just see what happens.  Surely nothing bad could possibly come of it right?  I guess we shall see.

As is very common with me upon sitting myself in front of a blank screen with fingers poised upon keys awaiting instruction from my oft muddled mind to strike downward in such an order and a fashion as to form words upon said blank screen, I find my (now) muddled mind not initially wanting to cooperate and send the necessary electricity down my arms and through my patiently waiting fingers.

How does one start something like this?  I can assure you that this one has not the faintest of ideas so I will do this...  I will pretend that I am talking to someone (unlike my usual imaginary audience) who does not know a thing about me and I will introduce myself and we’ll see where we end up from there.  Sound good?  Good.  Let’s begin then...

I will begin by informing you that while Burton J Lomax may not be my given name that makes Burton J Lomax no less me than my “Christian” name.  In fact it may even make Burton J Lomax even more me than even I realize.  Perhaps simply based on this information alone you can see where the name of this blog might have originated.  So now you know that you don’t know my "real" name but if our relationship works out the way I hope it will you may get to know the “real” me and the name thing won’t seem that important anymore.

I don’t feel my age is very important (at least not at this particular juncture so I will leave that where I left it in my profile.  I’m old enough to think and express anything that ends up on this page and for me and for the moment I feel that that is enough.

I suppose what is a very important thing to mention to anyone who might stumble across this thing is that I am a person who has struggled for most of my life with addiction.  Particularly addiction to alcohol.  It would then be just as important to note that at the moment I am engaged in a period of recovery from that addiction.  This is far from my first period of recovery from that addiction.  It is not something I am unfamiliar with but becoming reacquainted with.  I mention this mostly because I think if this blog continues anyone reading it can most likely expect this and all kinds of things associated with it to be a part of what goes on here.

So over the course of this life I have led thus far there have been bright periods, there have been dark periods, there have been grey periods.  I suppose this sort of puts me in line with most other beings out there in the ether who might consider themselves human.  Who knows, perhaps this puts me in a similar league as yourself.

Through all these many ups, downs, ins, outs, and whathaveyous I have learned.  Sometimes more than others.  Sometimes fruitfully.  Sometimes fitfully.  Sometimes very very repetitively.  Apparently the hardest things to learn are the ones which cause the most pain and again apparently they are not really learned until the pain is so great that it really doesn’t even seem like an option to finally learn.  It becomes simple survival.  As the much wiser than myself Mark Twain has said, “A man who carries a cat by the tail learns a lesson he can learn in no other way.”  Well old friends (and hopefully new friends), this is certainly quite an applicable idea in my life.  Once again perhaps this actually makes me what’s called human and means that I have things in common with some of those other humans with whom I share the world around me.  

I would imagine that perhaps that may be what can be found here moving forward.  Tales of cats being dragged by their tails and the results of such unfortunately necessary experiments as well as the things that can be (and are in the process of being) implemented in order to avoid at the very least carrying the same cats again and again.

I really have no idea if there is anything whatsoever in this opening post to grab anyone’s attention but I will make it a mission to stop back and leave more.  Who knows...  Maybe I’ll find you here...

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